Angie says she’s madly in love with her attractive, dashing, overseas boyfriend, Danny, whom she’s been dating for more than a year but has never met. Angie confesses that she’s sent Danny at least $175,000 — some of which she admittedly stole from family members. She says she would like to not only prove to Dr. Phil and his viewers that Danny is a real person, she would also like Dr. Phil's help in getting $6 million that Danny sent her from an offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands. Angie admits to sending $1,000 to Danny so he could buy a plane ticket to the United States and appear on the show with her. Where is Danny, and why wasn't he sitting next to Angie in-studio? Angie's 20-year-old son, Brandon, says his mother is in deep denial and can’t even see that she’s being scammed. Is Danny who he says he is, or is Angie being duped by an online imposter or catfish? Dr. Phil does some digging and finds answers.