CHARLIE is coming home, so BELLE helps prepare a room for her. CHARLIE has been on good terms with VINCENT. She has felt ignored since VINCENT’s marriage to BELLE, and is therefore very jealous of her sister-in-law. She and BELLE do bicker a lot, which irks VINCENT. CHARLIE is offered the post of Flight Attendant, and will get training together with BELLE. BELLE confides in RUBY, in the hope of finding a resolution for her conflict with CHARLIE. BELLE overhears the conversation between PAUL and ZOE, and is shocked to know that ZOE has such great affection for SAM. She hopes ZOE and SAM will make a go of their relationship. She gives ZOE encouragement and promises to help her out wherever she can. SAM and VINCENT are both on the plane, and due to the poor weather conditions, they have to make an emergency landing. They get into an argument about where to land. VINCENT finally follows SAM’s suggestion and SAM is proved right……