After receiving divorce papers from DIK KEI, heartbroken NGAI NAU asks LAW YEE to elope with her, to which LAW YEE dares not to agree. DIK KEI suggests holding a wedding ceremony at Chi Sum Court. While HIDETOSHI thinks he is up to something, TIN-KIU doesn’t think so. Geisha OI-MEI tells DIK KEI on the sly that TUNG LOI is detained in the dungeon of Chi Sum Court. MA TAN discloses to YUEN-YUEN that the reason why DIK KEI protected her is just for atonement, then seizes the opportunity to confess his love to her. TIN-KIU shows off her pure white Japanese-style wedding dress to NGAI NAU, so NGAI NAU purposely uses all-white wedding décor for revenge, which irritates TIN-KIU so much that she wantonly bullies her into doing everything for her. At the wedding ceremony, MA TAN and LOK-LO appear to be drinking and playing games with OI-MEI……